
Kuvatud on kuupäeva 2022 postitused

Inglise - Eesti otsetõlge. Ühe absurdse jutu näide

Oli kevadine  päiksepäeva hommik. Richard, hüüdnimega Munn , istus köögis ja luges uudistepaberit . Tema laual auras soe tass kohviga, mille kõrval oli rammus hernepähkli   taignapähkel ja kauss kõrre-, sini- ning mustmarjadega. Aknalaual, millele oli asetatud päikselill  ja mille ümber tiirutasid lennud   ning üks võikärbes, muutis pisikese köögi märgatavalt elavamaks.  Uudistepaberile keskendunult sirutas Richard käe tassilauani , et oma peatelefonid  haarata, kui tema käsi kogemata sinna ununenud kaelapitsi riivas ja see tassilaualt taaskasutuskonteinerisse kukkus. "Verine põrgu!"  pahandas mees iseendaga. Kaelapits, mille ta oli oma naisele vaid nädal tagasi kinkinud, vedeles nüüd taaskasutuskonteineri soppides, lögaste munakestade ning sigaretitagumike  keskel.  Kartes käsi määrida, leidis Richard hakkimispulgad, millega ta ettevaatlikult ehte välja kougitses. Päästmisoperatsioon edukalt tehtud, lõpetas ta oma murdumiskiire ...

What is it like to sail on a 18th century-style tall ship like Atyla

I have been postponing writing down these words for a while. The reason is, how could I just explain everything that I experienced in a blog post? Too much happened and most of it can not be put into words. But at least I try and I must apologise for this mere description.  First of all, Atyla is a Spanish wooden two-mast sailing vessel built like they did in the good old 18th century. Children often think it is a pirate ship and because of its two black sails, I think it looks like one too 🙂  The first time I was on board was All Ships Races from Tallinn to Klaipeda in July 2021. We had rough weather, lots of sea sickness but most importantly, unforgettable memories. In these hard conditions where you have no possibility to escape and the only choice is surviving, you grow an immense amount. This aspiration for growth made me returning already after two months.  The second time I spent six days sailing, from Cadiz in Southern Spain to the Canary Islands, shortly peaking...

A sweet way of collecting memories

When travelling, what do you take home as a souvenir usually? Maybe I am one of a few people but when I travel, I admire all the foreign plants that grow here and there.  One thing that I do, and I find it a very sweet way of collecting memories, is picking local blossoms and storing them between a book that I have brought on the trip.  I also try to create a habit that when someone lends me a book, I hide blossoms in there similarly. Whoever is going to open the book next time finds a beautiful surprise. It is a secret way of saying “thank you!” The blossoms can tell a lot - where did you read the book? What month was it? Do you remember the smell? Let’s make more secret gifts for each other!

Foods to try in Estonia

As an Estonian and food technologist I thought it would be fair to make a post about foods to try in Estonia. I did not want to do it in a traditional way in the style of "kama" and "kiluvõileivad" but rather I listed down the foods that I, as an Estonian, most appreciate in my home cuisine. Let´s go! 1. Berries  As in a relatively cold climate, fruits do not grow natively very well here. Nevertheless, our forests, bogs and gardens are full of lots of berries. I genuinely think that the nordic strawberries and raspberries taste better than any other. But let´s not end the list in here. From the forests, we can pick blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries, blackberries and wild strawberries. In the gardens, people grow blackcurrants, redcurrants, gooseberries and seabuckthorn. The best season for this deliciousness is July and August. For buying berries one should visit a local market. And yes, it is safe to pick berries from the forest and put them straight in your ...